Recent eCommerce Trends and Technologies: What You Need to Know… (and Act on)
What do headless commerce and cloud computing have in common? They are among recent eCommerce trends that are changing the face of online selling today. Some are recent eCommerce trends – predictive analytics and artificial intelligence. Others like chatbots and email have been around for a long time, but are being infused with innovations and intelligence that make them relevant again. Explore these and other trends in PFS’s latest white paper.
Get Answers
- How is headless commerce changing the way customers interact with brands?
- What service is helping leading brands continuously improve customer-facing technology?
- Why is cognitive computing coming on so strong?
- How is fulfillment getting faster and smarter?
Brands that invest in the right platform technology, think creatively, team with the right partners and work hard to understand their customers can expect to outperform. Learn how.